Temperatuur: 0,0°C |
Wind: NNW 1 Bft Ietsje wind 3,2 km/h |
Regen: Vandaag 0,2 mm |
Vochtigheid: 89% |
Luchtdruk: Bestendig 1038,4 hPa |
Click on link bellow to change to different Air quality component:
Particulate Matter < 10 µm | (PM10) | (Running 24-hour mean) |
Particulate Matter < 2.5 µm | (PM2.5) | (Running 24-hour mean) |
Ozone | (O3) | (Hourly mean) |
Nitrogen dioxide | (NO2) | (Hourly mean) |
Black Carbon | (BC) | (Running 24-hour mean) |
Clicking the same link a second time reloads the map and adds a legenda with the color codes used.